Children's Therapy Center goes the extra mile for our kiddos

Just for pretendsies, let’s imagine you’re on a game show. And you’re absolutely crushing it all the way to the lightning round where you need to answer questions in 5 seconds or less and one of the questions you were asked to explain the concept of diversity, equity and inclusion in outdoor recreation, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Is it seeing more people of color represented? Is it seeing more body types represented? What about diverse gender-orientation representation? While those things are immensely important, like top-of-our-list important along with myriad other things, how often do we consider the physically and/or developmentally challenged youth amongst us?

I don’t know about you, but I’ll be the first to raise my hand that if I were on that pretend game show even a year ago, the aforementioned population probably wouldn’t have been the first thing I thought of when trying to answer the question. That’s a shitty reality to face personally but in the same light, it’s also no secret that our society needs to improve in not only how we approach our work around diversity, equity and inclusion as a whole, but also come to the reality that the topic is a daunting, deep one that no one person or organization can solve.

But that doesn’t mean we can’t try.

I was humbled when we got the opportunity to support Children’s Therapy Center ( which is a great organization doing beautiful and needed work here in the Puget Sound. Founded in 1979, Children’s Therapy Center was founded by three therapists devoted to serving children with special needs. I just have to add, the about CTC section of their website is probably the most accurate I’ve seen. If you’re anything like me, you’ve probably read the about us section of a website and thought “oh, okay…suuuuuure.” But after spending some time on site at the Tacoma branch meeting the staff and learning about their programs and how they work day in and day out, I have to say this about us section is not fluff.

Anyhow, CTC hosted a move-a-thon which to an able-bodied individual might not seem like much. But this was a massive, literal step, that got these kids moving and got them outside. And it’s awesome when you give it some real thought. For those of us active in outdoor recreation we spend time hemming and hawing over what hike, what bike trail, what campground we are looking to spend time at. Not ever stopping to think that there are countless families and kids right in our neighborhoods that just being able to get out to the neighborhood park is a big step.

Getting kids into the outdoors isn’t only about summer camps and outdoor school. It’s not just mountaineers and scouts. Sometimes, it’s not about leaning how to canoe or pitch a tent, or about what you can or can’t eat out in the wilderness. Sometimes, it’s just a kid who wants to hop around the grass, pick wildflowers and breathe in some fresh air in a safe, supportive environment. One that the good people down at Children’s Therapy Center are providing every single day for families throughout the Puget Sound.

I wish there was a way we could do more. But coffee is a good start. And if you ever found yourself looking for a great coffee for a great cause to support - this is one. As with all of our coffee fundraising programs, 50% of the sales go directly to the organization.

We Love These Organizations (we think you will too)

Guys. It’s been forever since we actually made a blog post and I apologize for that. One thing about small business ownership that i’m learning more and more about everyday is just how much things can change from one day to the next.. One day, i’m filling in at the shop to cover a shift, the next i’m in meetings from sun up to sundown, the next i’m loading pallets onto a box truck. Unfortunately, that means I can’t quite communicate the way I really really want to but i’m learning! I promise to do better but at any rate, I wanted to share this post because it means a ton to me and the work we’ve been doing behind the scenes.

This year, we’ve really focused on supporting other outdoor organizations. Many of you know we also started our own outdoor non-profit called Campfire Explorers Club and that organization is still taking shape. We’re learning what is needed and where we can be of most value to the public with it and with that, we’ve focused the coffee side of the operation on supporting as many outdoor focused groups as we possibly can through coffee fundraisers. So I wanted to compile a list of these wonderful organizations in hopes that maybe you would as well. You won’t find these in our regular Campfire Coffee online store and the reason is simple: It’s about the organizations. We’d rather you not have to surf through 30 of our products to find this one - we’re not trying to sell you a hoodie, we’re trying to sell you coffee that’s gonna raise money for great causes. And with that - here are the organizations we’ve worked with this year, a little about them, and their beans.

Camp Fire - Spark Roast: Camp Fire is a national organization you may know as Camp Fire Girls from back in the day. We absolutely adore their work around empowering youth and making camp accessible and they were the first organization we had the pleasure of working with. With councils across the country, their work not only fills so many voids in our society, their work helps these kids recognize their potential.

Experience Camps - Campfully Coffee: Wow. what an organization. Experience Camps is based in the Northeast of United States but their work ripples across the nation with camps in Maine, Georgia, California, Michigan and Pennsylvania. They provide community, care, support and outdoor experiences for kids who have lost a loved one. Their work serves a group that really and truly needs it.

Friends of Outdoor School - Explorer’s Roast: This one is so near and dear as outdoor school was one of my first real outdoor experiences as a kid. It used to be a thing all the 5th and 6th graders got to do and Friends of Outdoor School is working to make these experiences even more accessible for kids throughout the wonderful state of Oregon.

Stem to Stern Rowing: We learned about Stem to Stern from our friends at Tacoma Rowing who just so happens to be a part of Stem to Stern. What makes Stem to Stern so cool to us is they are working to make rowing teams around the country more competitive by lowering the barriers to the sport so more kids can get involved. We all know the perception of sports like rowing, and this organization is crushing that perception everyday with boathouses around the country.

Tacoma Rowing: A part of STEM to Stern, we had to give a shoutout to our hometown boathouse. The whole crew down at Tacoma rowing is passionate about the mission of making rowing more accessible and equitable and we see it everyday as they row just a few hundred yards away from our shop.

Tacoma Rowing

Washington Wild - Wild and Scenic: I just can’t stress enough how important the work of these folks is when it comes to preserving our wild spaces. Small and mighty and really doing great work - if we’re going to make the outdoors more accessible it starts with protecting these lands. Washington Wild has been doing that since the 1970s.

Wild Society - Wild Wake Up: This is a group that in some ways reminds me of a little bit of all of our partners mashed into one. They support getting more kids into the outdoors and keeping wild spaces wild through a bevy of outdoor experiences but mainly through backpacking. They don’t turn any one away and have programs for all ages and experience levels and really make getting into the outdoors EASY.

Look guys, the coffee is good and all but purchasing one of these bags half the proceeds go to support their missions. There’s that saying “a rising tide raises all boats” and that could not be more true in this instance. YOU get REALLY good fresh wood fire roasted coffee, organizations get some support and we get to be friends with all of you! So please consider clicking on the links and learning more about these wonderful groups and the work they do and if you just so happen to be running low on your Joe, grab a bag and feel good about it.

Other groups we’ve supported, had the pleasure of working with or will be supporting soon:



Nisqually Land Trust

Camp Gallagher